Multilingual pretty URLs

There is more and more emphasis on pretty URLs these days. With things like Ruby on Rails around to easily support it and better knowledge and use of things like mod_rewrite the days of horrible query strings is going away (excluding of course the most used websites - search engines). But how do you make your multilingual website have pretty URLs?

My language learning app uses the Zend Framework and so uses pretty URLs by default. I need the interface available in many languages, but then the URLs should be pretty in a localized way.

For example, starting a new Finnish lesson uses the following:


That would be the new action of the lesson controller with an extra language code parameter of fi.

In German this should be something like:


By default this would access the neu action of the lektion controller.

The “simple” solution would be to write lots of controllers that just delegate to the real one. Which is silly. Instead an extra layer has to be added to the routing process some sort of look-up table mapping localized URL fragments with “real” canonical ones. This should be fairly simple with Zend Framework (although I haven’t actually tried yet).

Just an important issue no-one seems to have brought up yet…