
Google Video Ads

Oliver Brown
— This upcoming video may not be available to view yet.

The very eagle eyed amongst you may notice I’ve altered the layout of the site slightly. One of the most prominent changes is switching to a smaller ad size for old posts (before I had a large rectangular ad above any post that is more than seven days old figuring that anyone visiting old content on a blog really wanted to be there and would get over it).

The new 200x200 size immediately started showing video ads on a few pages. For an example, visit my post about the cartoons of the prophet Mohamed.

AdSense baiting

Oliver Brown
— This upcoming video may not be available to view yet.

Some adverts for loans appeared recently, probably because I mentioned an interesting deal from Lloyd’s TSB.

So I wondered if I could make more appear by mentioning things likes loans, finance and mortgages. Just mentioning loans once isn’t going to do it so I should mention loans a few times. A stray mention of debt management might also help.

Of course my demographic isn’t really geared towards finance topics like loans or money lending. So just think of this as an experiment.

Adsense section targeting

Oliver Brown
— This upcoming video may not be available to view yet.

I spend a couple of days away from the internet and things happen!

Google now allow you to split a page into sections with the idea that Adsense ads are only targetted to the text in that section. A couple of comments is all you need: <! -- google_ad_section_start --> <! -- google_ad_section_end -->

Apparently Google only take this as a suggestion but in some situations it could help. Of course sticking to one topic per page is better nearly all the time anyway.

Earnings from Google

Oliver Brown
— This upcoming video may not be available to view yet.

This post is more to see if I appear on the front page of BlogWise than anything else. But it is nice to point out that for the past week my earnings from Google Adsense have been amazingly consistent. i.e. with $0.50 of each each day.