Earnings from Google

Oliver Brown
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This post is more to see if I appear on the front page of BlogWise than anything else. But it is nice to point out that for the past week my earnings from Google Adsense have been amazingly consistent. i.e. with $0.50 of each each day.

Team practice could have gone better...

Oliver Brown
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Firstly, http://www.blogwise.com now links to me. Which is cool.

Hanna and myself had out first falling out of sorts yesterday. Which is good since that is less than most couples. Bad since it is exactly a week before IVDC. At first she was annoyed that we kept colliding with people, which is sensible enough. Except she strongly opposes any possible changes the routine I suggest that I could use to get out of other couples’ ways. She also thinks I should have more stamina in Quickstep. Sensible again but by this stage I thought being pragmatic would be best and me developing more stamina is at least as unlikely her being able follow changes I make to the routine to avoid people.

Not a happy note to start with really but since I’m very unlikely to tell her this (pointing out why things won’t change seems less than constructive) at least I get to vent my frustrations somehow.

I will see Julia in 4 nights and I will talk to her today. Much more cheerful thought :oD Unfortunately articulating unpleasant feeling is always easy and therefore ends up taking more space in any sort of diary… Well at least with me.

What they want me to do...

Oliver Brown
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I finally have to actually write some software for the IVDA technical committee. And get it done for Tuesday.

They need a nice web based app that will go through all the photos in a folder, let the user crop the photo to a specific aspect ratio and then move the photo into another folder depending on whether it is portrait or landscape.

Then they need another app that goes through all the photos and lets you assign a number (the couple number) to them. And for ones that don’t have a number it needs to read an XML file to get the list of all couples on the floor at the time and then display picutres of those that we have pictures for, so you can guess who it is.

The practical upshot of which is that everyone will be able to see the results at the IVDC.

On the subject the IVDC, they want me to get in as soon as I get there to helplay their network cables. And then arrive the following morning to help set up. And after all that I have to dance too!!

I should have gone to bed...

Oliver Brown
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I decided to stay awake for various reasons. But it’s meant I’ve started worrying about Julia. Which is silly since that could just upset her when she finds out. On the other hand their could be something serious (although she at least said she was still happy; amongst other things). The point is of course is that I don’t know and the only reason I don’t know is because I wasn’t online.

I’m going to keep thinking myself round in circles. I do that well and I doubt it qualifies as a skill.

Well assuming if it was otherwise she would have told me somehow, I’ll get to see her in person in a week. So I’ll try and think about that and be happy :o)

They want me to do something...

Oliver Brown
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I missed speaking to Julia tonight. Which is doubly annoying since I pretty much missed her this morning.

Things get worse when I read her LiveJournal. Either she was upset that I wasn’t online or something else has happened and I wasn’t there to talk to. Either way isn’t good. I’ve somehow lost the inclination to say what I was going to say…

My present arrived

Oliver Brown
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Julia’s Valentine’s day present (from me to her) arrived today. It’s not quite as good as I hoped but I doubt I could have gotten better.

Right now I’m downloading a 68Mb file with all the (scanned from paper) results from SUDC so I’ll know exactly how well I did. 66% to go…

Silly Cryptography lecturer

Oliver Brown
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I was doing an assignment for Cryptography last night and ended up stuck on a question for a really silly reason: I knew the answer straight away. All we had to do was decrypt the following cipher:

53‡‡†305))6*; 4826)4‡.)4‡); 806*;48†8¶60))85; 1‡(; :‡*8†83(88)5*†; 46(;88*96*?; 8)*‡(;485); 5*†2: *‡(;4956*2(5*-4)8¶8*; 4069285);)6†8)4‡‡; 1(‡9;48081; 8:8‡1;48†85; 4)485†528806*81(‡9;48; (88; 4(‡?34;48)4‡; 161; :188; ‡?;

Which is all very well and good except that is possibly one of the most famous pieces of encrypted text there is. It’s froma story by Edgar Allan Poe. In fact a quick search on Google for 305))6*;4826)4 reveals 56,700 results. All but one of them on the first page are about the decrypting the damn thing.

So my problem is how do I write down my method? “Well I knew the first line began ‘a good glass in the bishop’s hostel’ and I worked from there”? Ack.

I need to go to the Post Office to buy envelopes. But there is a chance Julia might be online while I’m away. Hopefully isshe is she will read this and understand :o)

Still awake again

Oliver Brown
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Mood: 🙂 high
🎵 Furious Angels

Well here I am awake really late again. Oh well, I got lots of stuff done with various websites. Including WebSearch which is the stupidest.

I now have the following sites active:

Julia was online earlier. Which is a relief, I thought I’d missed her. She’ll be online again tomorrow too :o) We didn’t really talk about anything that exciting. Or at least nothing that other people would find that exciting ;o)

SUDC was fun :o)

Oliver Brown
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Well mixed results for SUDC (in general in fact, not just us).

We got knocked out of Intermediate Ballroom which was largely due to me getting too nervous and forgetting stuff. Although I actually enjoyed the Viennese Waltz.

As a major shock we got through to the second round of the Novice Latin. Hanna’s slight costume problems may have helped though. The straps over her shoulders wouldn’t stay up so it looked like her dress was about to fall down (which it was never in danger of doing).

And then I ended up actually being part of the Offbeat team. Like everyone else on the dance team (which we found out an hour earlier). The whole routine was basically formed on the day and we actually beat Cambridge with it (who spent an hour every Tuesday since October working on it).

The party on the coach wasn’t as good. There were too many sleeping people interspersed. Plus Simon was more interested in Deepti than anyone else (although considering things I now know…). John brought Absinthe but didn’t actually drink any. And I found out that I probably was sillier than I realised on the coach last time and Florence was just really polite.Esther is just honest.

Last day of February. Therefore there is only 10 nights to go!

I may go to Pizza Hut. I got another sale so 1/5th of it is paid for.

I joined BidVertiser, BPath’s attempt to compete with AdWords. I’m not quite sure whether I can put Google Adsense ads and BidVertiser ads on the same page though… (Google disallows Adsense code from being placed on pages with other content targeted ads or ads that mimic Adsense.

Stargate Rocks

Oliver Brown
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Mood: 😮 anxious
🎵 Spanish Gypsy Dance

I just watched the second part of SG-1’s eighth season’s finale. That was cool. It brought everything together and explains what happens in the the final episode of Atlantis.

On a completely unrelated note there is documentary about chavs on at the moment.

Wandering from topic to topic I feel I should also mention they decided to close half the damn underground today. I had a lesson that finished at 5:30 and needed to get to my sister’s for 6:30. And every bloody route was blocked by “planned engineering works”.