Similar Star Trek episode titles

All articles in the series Star Trek Episode Titles:

  1. Analyzing Star Trek episode titles
  2. What is the shortest Star Trek episode title?
  3. Star Trek episode titles: an interlude
  4. Single-word Star Trek episode titles
  5. Similar Star Trek episode titles
  6. An aside for the titles of Picard
  7. Star Trek episode title character miscellany
  8. Star Trek episode title word miscellany

With nearly 700 episodes, there were bound to be some that are similar to each other. But which are most similar? And what do we mean by similar?


Before I go into the more technical analysis, I shall begin with some headlines.

Not technically part of this analysis but there are two Star Trek movies that share a title with an episode (if you ignore the “Star Trek” part of the title):

Title Series Episode Title
First Contact TNG 4x15 Star Trek: First Contact
Nemesis VOY 4x04 Star Trek Nemesis

There are three pairs of titles that differ by only one character. Two of them are just a final “s” as part of a plural:

Title Series Episode Title Series Episode
The Survivor TAS 1x06 The Survivors TNG 3x03
Facets DS9 3x25 Faces VOY 1x14
Demon VOY 4x24 Demons ENT 4x20

There are three pairs of titles that differ only by a leading “the”:

Title Series Episode Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Emissary TNG 2x20 Emissary DS9 1x01
The Muse DS9 4x21 Muse VOY 6x22

One of the more significant lines in Star Trek has both its variations appear as titles:

Title Series Episode Title Series Episode
Where No Man Has Gone Before TOS 1x01 Where No One Has Gone Before TNG 1x06

There is also a TNG episode that is specifically a sequel of sorts to an earlier episode with a similar title:

Title Series Episode Title Series Episode
The Naked Time TOS 1x06 The Naked Now TNG 1x03

A pair of episodes with weirdly similar titles, but in a way that isn’t easy to define:

Title Series Episode Title Series Episode
Beyond the Farthest Star TAS 1x01 Far Beyond the Stars DS9 6x13

There is an interesting prefix that appears three times in TNG, and only in TNG:

Title Series Episode
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08
A Matter of Perspective TNG 3x14
A Matter of Time TNG 5x09

Four incidents worthy of naming:

Title Series Episode
The Terratin Incident TAS 1x11
The Counter-Clock Incident TAS 2x06
The Enterprise Incident TOS 3x04
The Andorian Incident ENT 1x07

Technical details

Below I present the top 10 pairs of similar episodes, with four different measures of similarity:

  • Levenshtein distance - Informally, the number of single character edits needed to change one title into another.
  • Prefix - The number of characters at the start of the titles that are in common (ignoring case).
  • Suffix - The number of characters at the end of the titles that are in common (ignoring case).
  • Contains - If one title is contained entirely within another (possibly at the start or end), then the length of the contained title (0 otherwise).

Additionally each one is presented with an absolute version, and another normalized to the length of the longest title.

Most similar titles

Levenshtein (absolute)

Title Series Episode Distance Title Series Episode
The Survivor TAS 1x06 1 The Survivors TNG 3x03
Facets DS9 3x25 1 Faces VOY 1x14
Demon VOY 4x24 1 Demons ENT 4x20
The Cage TOS 0x01 2 The Game TNG 5x06
The Cage TOS 0x01 2 The Chase TNG 6x20
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 2 Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
The Loss TNG 4x10 2 The Host TNG 4x23
The Chase TNG 6x20 2 The Chute VOY 3x03
Masks TNG 7x17 2 Oasis ENT 1x20
Genesis TNG 7x19 2 Nemesis VOY 4x04

Levenshtein (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Survivor TAS 1x06 92.3% The Survivors TNG 3x03
Where No Man Has Gone Before TOS 1x01 89.3% Where No One Has Gone Before TNG 1x06
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 86.7% Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
Facets DS9 3x25 83.3% Faces VOY 1x14
Demon VOY 4x24 83.3% Demons ENT 4x20
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 82.6% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
Inquisition DS9 6x18 81.8% Acquisition ENT 1x19
Profit and Loss DS9 2x17 80.0% Profit and Lace DS9 6x23
The Cage TOS 0x01 77.8% The Chase TNG 6x20
The Chase TNG 6x20 77.8% The Chute VOY 3x03

Prefix (absolute)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
Who Mourns for Adonais? TOS 1x04 15 Who Mourns for Morn? DS9 6x12
The Alternative Factor TOS 1x20 12 The Alternate DS9 2x12
The Survivor TAS 1x06 12 The Survivors TNG 3x03
Once Upon a Planet TAS 1x09 12 Once Upon a Time VOY 5x05
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08 12 A Matter of Perspective TNG 3x14
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08 12 A Matter of Time TNG 5x09
A Matter of Perspective TNG 3x14 12 A Matter of Time TNG 5x09
Profit and Loss DS9 2x17 12 Profit and Lace DS9 6x23
Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18 11 Eye of the Needle VOY 1x07
The Naked Time TOS 1x06 10 The Naked Now TNG 1x03

Prefix (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Survivor TAS 1x06 92.3% The Survivors TNG 3x03
Demon VOY 4x24 83.3% Demons ENT 4x20
Profit and Loss DS9 2x17 80.0% Profit and Lace DS9 6x23
Remember Me TNG 4x05 72.7% Remember VOY 3x06
The Naked Time TOS 1x06 71.4% The Naked Now TNG 1x03
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08 70.6% A Matter of Time TNG 5x09
Starship Mine TNG 6x18 69.2% Starship Down DS9 4x07
Once Upon a Planet TAS 1x09 66.7% Once Upon a Time VOY 5x05
The Child TNG 2x01 66.7% The Chase TNG 6x20
The Child TNG 2x01 66.7% The Chute VOY 3x03

Suffix (absolute)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 19 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
In the Hands of the Prophets DS9 1x20 17 Tears of the Prophets DS9 6x26
Where No Man Has Gone Before TOS 1x01 16 Where No One Has Gone Before TNG 1x06
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 13 Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
Ship in a Bottle TNG 6x12 12 Message in a Bottle VOY 4x14
The Ensigns of Command TNG 3x02 11 Chain of Command TNG 6x10
Rules of Acquisition DS9 2x07 11 Acquisition ENT 1x19
The Terratin Incident TAS 1x11 10 The Andorian Incident ENT 1x07
Conspiracy TNG 1x25 10 The Voyager Conspiracy VOY 6x09
Once More Unto the Breach DS9 7x07 10 The Breach ENT 2x21

Suffix (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 86.7% Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 82.6% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
Inquisition DS9 6x18 81.8% Acquisition ENT 1x19
Emergence TNG 7x23 70.0% Divergence ENT 4x16
Code of Honor TNG 1x04 69.2% Day of Honor VOY 4x03
Obsession TOS 2x18 66.7% Accession DS9 4x17
Angel One TNG 1x15 66.7% Babel One ENT 4x12
The Emissary TNG 2x20 66.7% Emissary DS9 1x01
Friday’s Child TOS 1x03 64.3% Galaxy’s Child TNG 4x16
Heart of Glory TNG 1x20 64.3% Blaze of Glory DS9 5x23

Contains (absolute)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 19 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Survivor TAS 1x06 12 The Survivors TNG 3x03
Rules of Acquisition DS9 2x07 11 Acquisition ENT 1x19
Conspiracy TNG 1x25 10 The Voyager Conspiracy VOY 6x09
Once More Unto the Breach DS9 7x07 10 The Breach ENT 2x21
The Enemy Within TOS 1x04 9 The Enemy TNG 3x07
And the Children Shall Lead TOS 2x05 9 The Child TNG 2x01
The Cloud Minders TOS 3x19 9 The Cloud VOY 1x06
The Enemy TNG 3x07 9 Face of the Enemy TNG 6x14
The Siege DS9 2x03 9 The Siege of AR-558 DS9 7x08

Contains (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Survivor TAS 1x06 92.3% The Survivors TNG 3x03
Demon VOY 4x24 83.3% Demons ENT 4x20
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 82.6% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
Remember Me TNG 4x05 72.7% Remember VOY 3x06
The Emissary TNG 2x20 66.7% Emissary DS9 1x01
The Ship DS9 5x02 66.7% The Shipment ENT 3x07
Paradise DS9 2x14 61.5% Paradise Lost DS9 4x12
One VOY 4x25 60.0% Drone VOY 5x02
The Enemy Within TOS 1x04 56.2% The Enemy TNG 3x07
Shattered Mirror DS9 4x20 56.2% Shattered VOY 7x11

Most similar titles without leading “the”

Levenshtein (absolute)

Title Series Episode Distance Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 0 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Emissary TNG 2x20 0 Emissary DS9 1x01
The Muse DS9 4x21 0 Muse VOY 6x22
The Survivor TAS 1x06 1 The Survivors TNG 3x03
Haven TNG 1x05 1 The Raven VOY 4x06
Facets DS9 3x25 1 Faces VOY 1x14
Demon VOY 4x24 1 Demons ENT 4x20
Night VOY 5x01 1 The Fight VOY 5x19
The Cage TOS 0x01 2 The Game TNG 5x06
The Cage TOS 0x01 2 The Chase TNG 6x20

Levenshtein (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 100.0% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Emissary TNG 2x20 100.0% Emissary DS9 1x01
The Muse DS9 4x21 100.0% Muse VOY 6x22
Where No Man Has Gone Before TOS 1x01 89.3% Where No One Has Gone Before TNG 1x06
The Survivor TAS 1x06 88.9% The Survivors TNG 3x03
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 86.7% Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
Facets DS9 3x25 83.3% Faces VOY 1x14
Demon VOY 4x24 83.3% Demons ENT 4x20
Inquisition DS9 6x18 81.8% Acquisition ENT 1x19
Haven TNG 1x05 80.0% The Raven VOY 4x06

Prefix (absolute)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 19 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
Who Mourns for Adonais? TOS 1x04 15 Who Mourns for Morn? DS9 6x12
Once Upon a Planet TAS 1x09 12 Once Upon a Time VOY 5x05
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08 12 A Matter of Perspective TNG 3x14
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08 12 A Matter of Time TNG 5x09
A Matter of Perspective TNG 3x14 12 A Matter of Time TNG 5x09
Profit and Loss DS9 2x17 12 Profit and Lace DS9 6x23
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 11 Eye of the Needle VOY 1x07
Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18 11 Eye of the Needle VOY 1x07
Return to Tomorrow TOS 2x22 10 Return to Grace DS9 4x14

Prefix (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 100.0% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Emissary TNG 2x20 100.0% Emissary DS9 1x01
The Muse DS9 4x21 100.0% Muse VOY 6x22
The Survivor TAS 1x06 88.9% The Survivors TNG 3x03
Demon VOY 4x24 83.3% Demons ENT 4x20
Profit and Loss DS9 2x17 80.0% Profit and Lace DS9 6x23
Remember Me TNG 4x05 72.7% Remember VOY 3x06
The Hunted TNG 3x11 71.4% Hunters VOY 4x15
A Matter of Honor TNG 2x08 70.6% A Matter of Time TNG 5x09
Starship Mine TNG 6x18 69.2% Starship Down DS9 4x07

Suffix (absolute)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 19 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
In the Hands of the Prophets DS9 1x20 17 Tears of the Prophets DS9 6x26
Where No Man Has Gone Before TOS 1x01 16 Where No One Has Gone Before TNG 1x06
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 13 Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
Ship in a Bottle TNG 6x12 12 Message in a Bottle VOY 4x14
The Ensigns of Command TNG 3x02 11 Chain of Command TNG 6x10
Rules of Acquisition DS9 2x07 11 Acquisition ENT 1x19
The Terratin Incident TAS 1x11 10 The Andorian Incident ENT 1x07
Conspiracy TNG 1x25 10 The Voyager Conspiracy VOY 6x09
Friday’s Child TOS 1x03 9 Galaxy’s Child TNG 4x16

Suffix (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 100.0% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Emissary TNG 2x20 100.0% Emissary DS9 1x01
The Muse DS9 4x21 100.0% Muse VOY 6x22
Wink of an Eye TOS 3x13 86.7% Blink of an Eye VOY 6x12
Inquisition DS9 6x18 81.8% Acquisition ENT 1x19
Haven TNG 1x05 80.0% The Raven VOY 4x06
Night VOY 5x01 80.0% The Fight VOY 5x19
Descent TNG 6x26 71.4% The Ascent DS9 5x09
Emergence TNG 7x23 70.0% Divergence ENT 4x16
Code of Honor TNG 1x04 69.2% Day of Honor VOY 4x03

Contains (absolute)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 19 Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
Rules of Acquisition DS9 2x07 11 Acquisition ENT 1x19
Assignment: Earth TOS 2x26 10 The Assignment DS9 5x05
Conspiracy TNG 1x25 10 The Voyager Conspiracy VOY 6x09
Shattered Mirror DS9 4x20 9 Shattered VOY 7x11
This Side of Paradise TOS 1x25 8 Paradise DS9 2x14
The Paradise Syndrome TOS 2x03 8 Paradise DS9 2x14
The Survivor TAS 1x06 8 The Survivors TNG 3x03
The Emissary TNG 2x20 8 Emissary DS9 1x01
Remember Me TNG 4x05 8 Remember VOY 3x06

Contains (normalized)

Title Series Episode Similarity Title Series Episode
The Eye of the Beholder TAS 1x15 100.0% Eye of the Beholder TNG 7x18
The Emissary TNG 2x20 100.0% Emissary DS9 1x01
The Muse DS9 4x21 100.0% Muse VOY 6x22
The Survivor TAS 1x06 88.9% The Survivors TNG 3x03
Demon VOY 4x24 83.3% Demons ENT 4x20
Remember Me TNG 4x05 72.7% Remember VOY 3x06
Paradise DS9 2x14 61.5% Paradise Lost DS9 4x12
One VOY 4x25 60.0% Drone VOY 5x02
Assignment: Earth TOS 2x26 58.8% The Assignment DS9 5x05
The Game TNG 5x06 57.1% Endgame VOY 7x25